UTSA Campus, College Ministry
The Movement Church of San Antonio is a not your typical house of worship. In fact, we’ve only been in existence less than a year. Our DNA can best be described in this way: We are a group of likeminded people who are passionate about discipleship.
Our church was formed for a few simple reasons, and the first is the most basic. We strongly believe that Jesus Christ was and still is serious about The Great Commission. Training the next generation in discipleship, and then equipping them to make disciples is our primary objective. We concentrate on training believers and sending them out to reach people who are far away from God. Like Chi Alpha, we are focused on generational discipleship.
Secondly, we are convinced that the attractional church model is not the best means of reproducing committed Christ followers within the Millennial Generation. While we do have a worship service that meets on Sundays, this is not our primary focus. Our small groups or tribes
meet in a variety of locations throughout the week. This is our heartbeat. In these environments we focus on the strategy of Jesus Christ to reach the “ends of the earth.” This is where relationships are built and loving accountability becomes a key focus.
Finally, we don’t believe simply in “going to church,” but in “being the church.” When most people think of the word “church,” they consider it to be a location, a building, or just a time when people gather to sit and listen. Jesus never intended for the church to be any of these things. The church is the bride and the body of Christ. It is powerful enough to shut down the forces of hell and has a mission to change the world—one by one for the glory of God.
Our public gathering in San Antonio is near UTSA. As a House Church Network, we meet in homes on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM. My name is James Shupp. I would love talk with you more about our campus ministry. I believe the students of the University of Texas at San Antonio have the potential to begin a movement that will grow God’s kingdom in their generation. Facilitating this is one of the reasons the Movement Church was established.
Call or Text: (210) 897-9787
Email Pastor James
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