I’m looking for someone who will lead the greeters ministry, recruit, and schedule others for our Sunday morning service. It’s pretty fun and only requires that you give people your best each and every time you see them. It’s all about giving “a word,” “a look,” and “a touch.” The “word” comes from a heart of kindness. The “look” is about expressing the love of Christ through our countenance. The “touch” means we look for opportunities to show each person that they matter to God and that we are here to minister to them in Jesus name.
We have a lot of fun setting up things for worship and hanging out. If you have the spiritual gift of “service” this is right up your alley. It’s an opportunity to lend your hands in service to Jesus and enjoy being with people who care about reaching the world for Jesus Christ.
Our midweek Bible studies are a critical part of our multiplication strategy. When the Lord gave me the vision for The Movement Church, we began as a house church. The goal has never changed. We want to multiply house churches throughout Bexar County and beyond. It is in this context that you will learn how to follow Christ and multiply disciples. We also call the home groups “tribes.” The reason for this is that we want to connect with our brothers and sisters in Christ and live in community with each other.
Currently we have two locations. The first meets on Tuesday night at 7:00 PM. The second meets on Wednesday night at 7:00 PM. Send me an email, and I’ll answer any questions and provide you with the address.
Jesus trained people who trained others how to train others. That’s what it means to be a disciple. To put it another way, disciples equip other disciples to make more disciples. The reason that Christianity is still around after 2,000 years is because this strategy works. Generations ago, there was someone who came to faith and began teaching others. Your salvation is a byproduct of their obedience to the Great Commission.
God has called me to disciple, train, and equip people who want to become part of a church planting movement in San Antonio. We do this in our midweek Bible studies, but I also do it privately during lunches and even through Google Hangouts. If you are seriously wanting to learn how to become an equipping disciplemaker yourself, let’s talk further.
Our outreach ministry is broad. It incorporates everything from giving a simple invitation to a friend, all the way to going out and knocking on doors. And there’s one thing that all new churches require without exception. That is, everyone needs to be on board with inviting others to come.
Each Sunday we have invite cards at the entrance. Please grab a few and pass them out to friends, family and neighbors. The goal is not simple to get someone to attend, but through the process, invite them into a vital, living relationship with Jesus Christ. Once that happens we can train them to be “dangerous” disciples, ready to be sent out as “sheep among the wolves.”
If you bake it, I will give it away. That’s one of the joys I have as I go out during the week and talk to people about Jesus. You might ask, “When do you want me to bake something?” The answer is, “Whenever you have the time.” You can bake cookies, brownies, cakes, or just about anything you are good at. Let me know when you have some free time to bake, and I’ll make time to bless a stranger in the name of Jesus.
One of the things I have on my agenda is to involve everyone in our prayer ministry. Right now I am recruiting business leaders who would like us to pray for them. This is not something that we are doing in name only, but with great sincerity and passion. Our church is surrounded by small businesses. Connecting with them and praying for them is one of the ways we will minister to them. We serve a miracle working God who is ready to use us to reveal His glory. Great things happen when God’s people are serious about prayer.
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