
The Movement Church of San Antonio

The Crucified Life

Over the years, I have heard a many people teach on the subject of “brokenness” and “coming to the end of yourself.” Oftentimes, I have discovered that the sheep get more confused after someone tries to explain it to them. I have gotten lost in that camp a few times myself.

For instance, it has been suggested by some that you reach the end of yourself only after bad things happen, or you fail in an area where you would rather succeed. Every human being has experienced the realities of hardship and failure. So inevitably the question gets asked, “Are these things happening by God’s design to maneuver me into a place brokenness?”

If this were true, it would be difficult to escape the conclusion that God has a tendency to be harsh toward His children. How could we reconcile these feelings with the notion that God is a loving Father? And how would we ever convince the watching world to join us in a regular season of smack down beneath the throne of heaven?

Someone might ask me, “Are you saying that God doesn’t chastise His children when they willfully go astray? Absolutely not. God is both loving and just. He will never let a true child get away with sin, but not all hardship and suffering are connected to personal acts of rebellion on our part.

So back to my original point. When does brokenness come and what are the benefits?

Brokenness is simply about surrender. It is presenting your life as a living sacrifice on the altar of God. It is saying to God, I CANNOT do what only you can do, but I CAN do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Jesus is our perfect example here. He completely surrendered Himself to the Father’s will. He even surrendered His “equality” with God to live completely dependent upon God.

Coming to the end of yourself means that you live under the power of Another, and in the audience of One. It is relying on Him as your life, for your life, in order that you might have the abundant life.

It is Christ in you that allows His glory to shine through you. Brokenness is not about going through something bitter, or the pain and suffering of life. Brokenness means that you have been trained to surrender to the Master’s will for your life.

Bottom line: It’s a choice, not an experience.

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James Shupp, Lead Pastor of The Movement Church of San Antonio