What Do You Believe?
Our theology is evangelical and conservative, based solely on the Bible. If you would like to learn more, feel free to check out our Statement of Faith.
Where Does The Movement Meet?
The movement primarily meets in homes throughout the week. Once we gather several homes we will launch a worship service on the weekend. If you are interested in attending one of our house churches or “tribes,” please send us an email. We will arrange a conversation and provide you with a time and a location.
What Are Tribes?
In the Old Testament, God divided Israel into twelve tribes. In the New Testament, Jesus chose twelve disciples. Our tribes consist of twelve adults who meet once a week to experience what it means to “be the church.” While most people choose to meet in a home, some may prefer to meet in a restaurant, park, coffee shop or just about any place it’s lawful to gather. We believe that this model was ordained by God, modeled by Jesus and is the best strategy to reach the world with the gospel. Some prefer to call these “house churches” or “cell groups.” We like the word “tribe” because it is Biblical and curiously enigmatic.
How Should I Dress?
We don’t make a fuss about the outward appearance. God looks at the heart not the clothes on your back. Come comfortable, casual and Christlike.
What About My Children?
The Movement believes that children are a blessing and a heritage from the Lord, Ps. 127:3. We design our meetings with children in mind. When parents actively participate in the spiritual development of their children, it’s more likely to stick. Every study and statistic shows this to be true. It brings a whole new dimension to what it means to be the church when the entire family is involved. Some tribes consist of infants, teens and senior adults. It cuts against the current trends, but we’re not a “trendy” church. We don’t get stressed when a baby cries or a teenager wants to participate in the discussion.
Furthermore, our tribes network to provide care and support for one another. There will be affinity groups that meet in homes where several of the participants either have children or teenagers. During the interview process we will discuss how we can best support your needs. Throughout the year we schedule many family activities where parents of children can meet with other tribes to enjoy community with other believers.
Can I Start A Tribe In My Home?
This is the question we were hoping you would ask. The answer is absolutely. One of our goals is to come alongside people and equip them for leadership. Everyone on the planet has a tribe, a social network, friends, neighbors, etc. We want to help you reach your world for Christ.
How Can I Support The Movement?
Good question. First, we believe that prayer is the greatest support you can offer. Without prayer, nothing of eternal consequence will ever take place. We don’t want to waste our time doing what God will not honor. When prayer holds centre stage in our hearts, we believe that God will move in The Movement.
Second, your financial support is welcome. It’s an affirmation of the fact that you have been blessed by God and chose to honor Him. We are a 501(c)(3) organization, so all of your donations are tax deductible. When you support our vision, you enable us take the gospel into places where the traditional church is losing ground. Ultimately, we have a dream to replicate the strategy of The Movement in other cities, even to the uttermost part of the world.
Who Is The Founder/Leader?
His name is James Shupp. He’s an average guy who loves Jesus, loves people, loves to write and loves what God is doing through The Movement. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Bible from Hardin-Simmons University and two masters’ degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. James has been the senior pastor of six different churches in Texas and Oklahoma. He’s been married to Cherry for 28 years. They have two sons. Click to send him an email.
How Do I Join The Movement?
In order to experience the fullness of what God is doing through The Movement, you need to join a tribe. The leadership is very thoughtful, intentional and respectful about how this experience takes place for you. We believe that God has given us a passion and a strategy to connect you within a tribe. We will not rest until you are experiencing the move of God in your own life. Furthermore, we also believe this will transform how you experience the reality of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. Tribes are not lecture-based Bible studies or classroom experiences. They are a means to encounter Jesus within a life-giving Christian community. Our desire for you is to experience the abundant life that Jesus promised to each and every believer.
Where Is The Movement Headed?
This may sound a little crazy, but we believe the Movement has the ability to multiply without limitations. We keep the focus on making sure The Movement is moving. Within the first 5 years of launching, we want to expand into multiple cities in America. After this, we want to follow Christ in His Great Commission to the uttermost part of the earth. God loves the nations, and so do we.
Call or Text: (210) 897-9787
Email Pastor James
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