Got 20/20 Vision?

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Eyes Toward The Harvest

We have been inspired by Acts 20:20

You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house.

The early church was able to spread across the world because it did two things well. First, it entered homes. Family members, friends, and neighbors gathered to study the Word of God in small groups. Lives were changed. The world stopped and took notice.

Secondly, the early church met publically. They gathered in the marketplace, city streets, synagogues and even cemeteries. All of this happened long before the church had buildings, bylaws or budgets. Back then church wasn’t about the business of church. It was about the people who wanted to follow Christ. The church focused on truth, building community with each other, and spreading the Good News. The strategy was so simple back then.

What if we could get rid of all the clutter, all the outdated notions that have been handed down over the course of time, and reconstruct what it means to be a church today? A Simple Church! Do you have 20/20 vision too? If this is the kind of thing that gets you excited, we would like to talk with you personally.

I’m James Shupp, the founder of The Movement Church of San Antonio. I’m very easy to contact. Send me an email and we can meet personally. I’d love to share more about our 20/20 vision with you.